Hunger games poam

Hunger Games Poem
By Cierra Davis

Effie Trinket

Happy as yellow

It taste like lemon pie, can’t get enough of watching people die.

It smells like roses, when spring is here

and feels like you just entered a dream of color and silence.

Sounds like someone who came back from meeting the Queen: so happy and strict about manners.

Looks like she was happier than on Christmas Day–

Happy as announcer that no ones claps for.

A team

I think a team takes dedication it is hard work, it is not a team until everyone it together. Your want to try your hardest you want to help your team as much as you can. You have’t to put effort in it believe In yourself and your team. Respect your teammates,encourage them. You are all in this together. Believe.


A cold December,

The smell of fire in the air,

The snow glistening on the ground,

The hot chocolate steaming from the cup,

The people walking in the streets with heavy coats,

The feeling that Christmas is coming,

The lights in the trees glowing,

The Carols being sang.

My view

Up in my room sits up on a hill. A bright pink room so happy and joyful. Outside my window is a forest of green trees. I sit by my window every morning and look at the sunrise in the morning. The white cotton candy clouds the bright pink and blue sky like a rainbow swirl lollipop. At night the bright moon shinning over my house and the dark black sky dark as a black cat. The stars twinkling in the sky, the cool night.